5 Reasons Why Leadership Training Should be Required at Every Company

True leadership is not just about a title, and many managers may lack essential leadership skills...

5 Reasons Why Leadership Training Should be Required at Every Company
Jessica Hesselgrave
June 6, 2023
Leadership & Followership

There’s a difference between being a manager and knowing how to lead a team. In fact it’s been written about and discussed countless times (check out here, here, and here). So why spend time discussing this topic more? In short, because whether your role is more manager or leader focused, it’s worth spending time in leadership training.

You’ve probably come across a lot of managers in your time. Maybe this manager was promoted because they consistently hit or exceeded their numbers. Maybe it’s because they’re good at stepping back and seeing the big picture to help hit company or department goals. You’re familiar with this person. But these managers you’ve encountered, whether you classify them as “good” or “bad” aren’t always the best leaders.

True leadership is not just about a title; it's about how a person can inspire, guide, and motivate their team to achieve their best. And many managers may lack essential leadership skills, which can hold them back from effectively leading and managing their team. This is why the importance of leadership training cannot be overstated.

A quick recap on a Manager vs. a Leader

A manager's role is typically focused on tasks, processes, and achieving goals. While these are important aspects of a manager's responsibilities, leadership goes beyond these functions. Leadership involves influencing and inspiring others, building trust, creating a safe space to give and receive feedback, and helping develop team members to reach their full potential. Without these qualities, a manager may struggle to earn the respect of their team or find members are disengaged, which can result in low morale and productivity.

One common misconception is that leadership is a trait that some people are born with, while others are not. However, research has shown that leadership can be developed and improved through training, practice, and mentorship. Just like any other skill, leadership requires learning, self-awareness, and continuous improvement.

The benefits of SLG’s Fellowship Program

Leadership training can provide managers with the necessary knowledge, tools, and techniques to become effective leaders. Here are five reasons why leadership training, specifically, SLG’s Fellows Program, is crucial for anyone holding a manager title and should be required:

  • Improved Communication: Effective communication is at the core of leadership. Leaders need to communicate their expectations, provide feedback, listen to their team members, and resolve conflicts—among other things. Leadership training can help managers develop effective communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal, to effectively convey their message and build strong relationships with their team.
  • Enhanced Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, manage, and express emotions in oneself and others. It plays a crucial role in effective leadership, as it enables managers to empathize with their team members, understand their motivations, and respond appropriately to their emotional needs. Leadership training can help managers develop emotional intelligence, which can have a positive impact on their ability to lead and motivate their team.
  • Relationship Building: Leading a team involves managing people with diverse backgrounds, personalities, and skill sets. Leadership training can equip managers with the skills to effectively build relationships and get to know the people who make up your team. These skills are essential for building a high-performing team.
  • Inspiring and Motivating Others: Leaders inspire and motivate their team to achieve their best. Leadership training can help managers develop strategies to inspire and motivate their team members, such as setting clear expectations, recognizing and rewarding achievements, and providing opportunities for growth and development.
  • Building a Culture of Feedback: Feedback stirs up all kinds of emotions for people, some people get uncomfortable, some people don’t take feedback well—it can sometimes feel easier to not address the issue at all. With leadership training, individuals can learn and practice effective ways to give and receive feedback. It should, after all, go both ways.  

Leadership is a set of behaviors and skills that can be developed and improved through training and practice. Investing in leadership training for managers is essential for organizations that want to build effective leaders who can inspire, guide, and motivate their team to achieve outstanding results.

Jess Hesselgrave is an SLG fellow from the 2022 Virtual Cohort program. She currently works for a Chicago-based software company, Jellyvision, as their Senior Content Marketing Manager and has been in marketing roles for over 6 years. Through a mixture of peer and direct leadership, Jess has always identified as a leader and continues to grow and strengthen her understanding of how to be a supportive leader and follower.

5 Reasons Why Leadership Training Should be Required at Every Company

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