In Memoriam Ted Parker

 His presence permeates all of our materials and he has been a mentor to many of us.

In Memoriam Ted Parker
SLG Team
June 28, 2021
Difference Makers

It is with a very heavy heart that we share the news that VADM Ted Parker passed away June 25th.  VADM Parker was one of the founding members of SLG.  His presence permeates all of our materials and he has been a mentor to many of us whether we served on the SLG Board, as mentors and of course to the fellows he loved and cared so much about.

Vice Admiral Ted Parker U.S. Navy (Ret) left active duty in 1989, and led an advisory services company for 25 years while serving on the boards of several companies and the Severn Leadership Group. Graduating from the United States Naval Academy, Admiral Parker served at sea in numerous ships, commanding three of them. On the staff of the Chief of Naval Operations, he organized and led the analytical effort that first defined the characteristics for the Navy’s newest class of destroyers, the ARLEIGH BURKE class, the largest Navy shipbuilding program since WWII. Later, as a flag officer, he served in a variety of positions in the CNO and Navy Secretariat staffs. In addition to the Naval Academy, Admiral Parker graduated from Guided Missiles and Nuclear Power Engineering Schools, the Industrial College of the Armed Forces and earned a master’s degree in public administration at The George Washington University.

We recently shared this tribute video with Ted and his family on his retirement from the SLG Board.  Ted was a remarkable husband, father, Naval Officer, professional and friend. Our prayers are with his wonderful wife, Anne, and family.

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In Memoriam Ted Parker

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